Friday, March 14, 2014

A "Tea Person"

I have always desired to be a "tea person". One of those hipsters who claim that all they need is a good cup of tea and a good book. And as an English Major I feel as if it is my duty to be a self-proclaimed "tea person". However, every time I tried the stuff it just tasted like warm water with a hint of flavour... I still cannot fathom why someone would choose tea over hot chocolate. 

Now, being in England, I thought there would be no better place in the world to complete my quest of becoming a "tea person". Alex and I quickly found ourselves the cutest tea shop in Canterbury and went for some afternoon tea. It was all very picturesque with our teapots and our tier with all of our tiny sandwiches and cakes. I might even go as far as to say that I actually enjoyed the tea itself! 

I will probably still prefer hot chocolate over tea. But I can now say that I have had afternoon tea in England, and for an afternoon, I was a "tea person". 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Adventures in Domestication

     Alex and I found it quite difficult to become accustomed to various aspects of life in 10 Bishopden. The main issue we found, were those when it came to anything in relation to domestic work. I liked to think that I was domestic enough in Canada. I may have not been able to cook anything much, but at least I could turn the oven and stove on. You can imagine our surprise when we arrived and found our kitchen stocked with GAS appliances. At first I did not think much of it, I thought it would be simple enough... oh how naive I was.
     Our first attempt was with the oven. After a few failed attempts, we asked one of our Brazilian roommates to come and teach us how to use it. The next night we were prepared and ready to use the stove. However, once we fiddled with it and began to smell gas, we frantically tried to find our roommates to see if one of them were home, but no one was. We had heard that 20 student kitchen fires had occurred last year, and I was sure we were going to cause number 21 right then!
     I then texted and asked my sisters, as I do in every situation, but it seems that life in Canada has caused us all to find a thing such as a gas stove a foreign concept. They did help make the traumatic experience more funny though. Thank goodness our roommate came home at that moment and taught  us how to use it!
     Slowly, but surely, we will get used to the different way of life here in England!

Here is how the conversation with my sisters went:

Saturday, February 22, 2014


     I don't know if it was because it was raining this morning, but on my way to class, I finally felt like I could actually do this. That I can actually carve myself a little home here in Canterbury. On my way to class, as I walked the nearly empty path through the woods, I finally felt at ease in this little English town.
     I cannot get over how similar the weather here is to B.C. Or how something as simple as the weather can make me feel so at ease and at home. I always love the way the air smells and feels back home. Living by the bay, the air has a hint of salt to it that just cannot be beat. I have always felt that that smell and feeling in the air was unique to home. Waking up to that smell in the summer is the epitome of comfort and familiarity.
     Although I am not as close to the sea here, I have found that same feeling in the air as I walk the path to campus. And, for that brief walk, I feel at home.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

One Week

      It has been one week since I left my beloved island to venture to this new island, that I am still struggling to call home.
      I will never forget the day I left, and how I was trying to hold it together all day, only to fall apart in the airport bathroom. Once getting on the plane it began to feel more real, and 9 hours later I found myself in the country I had been dreaming of, and longing for, for so long. We were greeted by our own driver (who sang us karaoke and goes by karaokeith, and he is also available for birthdays if you are in need). We then drove through the English countryside before arriving at the University of Kent, my home for the next 6 months.
     After attempting to settle in and explore our little home, Alex and I went on the most important quest of the day... to find food. The campus was still closed and only one cafe was open, so choices were limited. After eating an unsatisfying caesar salad, I was hit with the sudden realization that I did not know what I was getting myself into, and the possibility that our stay here may not be as magical as I had previously believed began to sink in. Thankfully, I have the best sisters and support system back home who went to the lengths of ordering us a pizza from Canada, as we still do not have a UK phone number! The first night was quickly turned around as we then got to spend it with Juan Pablo and a pepperoni pizza!

     The first weekend was full of events and spontaneity. The University of Kent put on events for all the international students. We had an international dinner (with a magician!), and we met the best girls from Belgium and Norway, who we have quickly become friends with! The next day they took us all grocery shopping. I have found that no matter where I am, grocery shopping will always make me homesick... and I heavily believe that every town should have a Safeway, it's the only way to grocery shop! 
       Alex and I were quite homesick our first few days, so we decided that in order to get us out of our funk we needed a bit of an adventure before classes began. So, we booked our tickets and decided that we would spend our Saturday in London! 
       On Sunday we went with the international students to Dover Castle. It was so beautiful and I felt like I was living out all my childhood fantasies as we were wandering and exploring the castle grounds. The Dover Castle is right by the sea, which I loved as being an island girl I love being able to see the water. We were able to roam the secret tunnels of the castle and the history lover in me really came out. Just thinking of how many people had gone through those tunnels and walked through those halls put me in awe. The coolest part of the castle is that we went into the very tunnel that they planned the Dunkirk evacuations. It made me realize how lucky I am to be able to study abroad in England for my English and History studies, because everything I am/have learned about are coming to life right before me! 

      I'm still terrified that this adventure might cause me to fall flat on my face and one day I will be hit with the realization that I was not ready to do this. But I have been waiting and dreaming about this for so long, that I know there is no turning back now, and I will have to push myself to turn this experience into one of the best of my life. Everyone always says that they never came back from their exchange as the same person they were when they left. I hope this is true for me. I hope I go back to Canada as a girl who is more independent and sure of herself... but stay a girl who will still text her sisters when she is about to set her kitchen on fire (but more on that later). 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

It Seems Impossible...

There is a quote by Nelson Mandela that goes: "It seems impossible, until it's done"

This quote probably describes my whole 1st year of University. Numerous times I remember talking to my mom or sisters saying that "I can't finish all these essays!" or "I can't do these readings!" At the beginning of the year, with my freshman naivete, I thought "oh just 3 essays, university is so easy!" Boy was I wrong! Those dates WILL all conflict and you will find it impossible to finish that 5 page paper!

This was exactly what I was thinking these past few weeks, as I had a 5 page paper, a 10 page paper, and a group project due on the same 2 days! I was talking to my mom about it, and she can attest that I was about to cry while walking home from the bus because I didn't think I could do it!

BUT today is the day they are due and they are done!! (Huge shout out to Katie for looking over them for me last minute! Thank you!)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

"I Don't Wanna Wait"

I have always been a lover of the "teen drama" when it comes to television shows. They are incredibly addicting, and there are so many of them for one to enjoy! I believe my love affair began in the fall of 2007 when Gossip Girl first aired, and I was instantly hooked! The following year 90210 began and my love continued to grow as I would watch the OC, and Gilmore Girls! I remained watching these shows devoutly for the following years. But the summer before my senior year is when my devotion truly blossomed! This was when my lovely sisters introduced me to the world of Capeside! Dawson's Creek... I do not even know what words to put together to accurately describe my deep love for this show. It is quite possibly the best show for anyone between the ages of 15 and... well I plan on watching it for years to come, so let's say 40? Yep, I may be finished my obsession with Dawson, Pacey, and Joey by then (but no promises)! After I had finished the whole series of Dawson's Creek, my sisters introduced me to many other shows including Everwood, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and more that I am sure I have forgotten at the top of my brain. Right now I am beginning One Tree Hill (I know, I know I am a little slow to hop on the bandwagon as they are beginning the last season and all) and so far I am loving it! I am not sure what it is about these shows that are so addicting, there are so many perfect attributes to them that it is everything together which makes them so wonderful!
I must go and continue watching One Tree Hill, because once I finish it I am going to begin Felicity... but I shall leave you with the theme of Dawson's Creek and let it bring back some memories!

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Before I left for Ottawa I remember my sister Katie telling me that Sundays were going to be the days that I would get most homesick. When she told me this I brushed it off and did not really believe her.

But even though I have only spent 2 Sundays here, I can already attest to this accusation. Although I have enjoyed being in a YSA ward and the bishop is really great, I don't think there is anything quite like your home ward. A place where you have known almost everyone for your entire life and a place where you feel completely comfortable.

To be totally honest, I didn't think that I was going to miss my ward all that much. Sure, it contained some of my best friends, but I didn't think that I was going to miss the ward, as a whole, as much as I do. There are so many wonderful, quirky, smart, and passionate people in my home ward and I don't think it has been until now that I have grown to truly appreciate them all and what they have taught me. It has really taught me to not take the people in your life for granted.

I also miss Sundays at home for the most simple reasons. For the feeling of coming home after church and making lunch. For the way that Oakley and Cooper would always look adorable in there church clothes. For being able to walk Oakley to nursery sometimes, and hearing after church of all that he had learned. For being able to go from church from 10-1 (unlike the awkward time of 2-5). And for the feeling I would always get when the whole family would get together for our Sunday Dinners.

However the plus side of Sundays in Ottawa... unlike home, clean up is only for 4, not 8!